Test! I have to say that my medium depends on which style or series I am working on at the time. Since I work with nine different bodies of work, the medium can change, range or even be mixed. But generally, I like to work with acrylics only because it dries fast and I like to work fast. Second, with nine different bodies of work, which I like to call my different personalities, each series encompasses a different style. The differences between the series are that each consists of a specific style. For example: figurative, abstract, expressionistic, impressionistic, surreal and even pop. I also have some conceptual pieces, as well as installations. And just for the purpose of exploring and experimenting I have also dabbled with batik, ceramics, clay molding, as well as monoprinting. I like to think that I am a well-rounded artist and that I do not close doors on any learning opportunity when it comes my way. It’s like having all these different artists living inside of me simultaneously where each one takes the lead when they need to express themselves. It is a very liberating experience not to have to paint in just one style simply because that is what is expected of you as an artist in the art world. I can express myself on multiple levels despite that expectation. Being true to myself has offered many rewards and worked very well for me.