Post-Human. Adios Al Hombre. I

Post-Human. Adios Al Hombre. I
@ Casa Elizalde
Barcelona, Spain

September 7 – October 1, 2009

A Group exhibit featuring:
Gonzalo Obes, Adrian Morales Rodriguez, and George Rodez
(Respectively: InDiferencias, cIBERIA, y
Síntomas del Sueño)


Collage of Images
The Three Artists’ Installations and the Vernissage:

Click here to view video created specifically for this exhibit titled “Sintomas Plasm@dos,” which was shown on the six contiguous plasma screens you see in one of the images above. It captures and animates many of the images from my Dream Series paintings.

I want to personally thank the following individuals who contributed in one way or another to the success of this exhibition. Without them this wouldn’t have been possible. They are, in no particular order:

Margarita Moreno, Francisco Javier Montero, Valentí Hinarejos, Oscar Manchón, David Puertas, Javier Calvete, Toyo Hinarejos, David de la Fuente & the entire keteveoproduccions team; Leandro García, Juli y Víctor Rodríguez, Genma Suñol, Alex Lucena, Lluc, Ricard & José María Galindo, Carmen Espinet, Vanessa Jiménez, Pepo Sol, Aurelio Morata, Enrique San tamaría, Xumo y Mario Almedina, and Miriam, Yolanda, David and the entire technical team from Casa Elizalde.

I also want to thank the following sponsors who made it possible: NomadART Productions, Casa Elizalde, keteveoproduccions, Eikonos, S.A., Central-Art-Process, and Delta Air Lines.